October 24, 2018

Strength: Snatch Conditioning
3 x 6 Power Snatch (Unbroken)
Rest 1:00 after each set

Rest 2:00

3 x 5 Power Snatch (Unbroken)
Rest 1:00 after each set

Rest 2:00

3 x 4 Power Snatch (Unbroken)
Rest 1:00 after each set
*The purpose of this Snatch Conditioning is to work on cycling snatches in workouts.  Athlete is to choose their own weights each sets of 6-5-4.  Stay with the same weights for each set.  Think of weights that you normally do in WODs.  Each set needs to be completed Unbroken, but it doesn’t have to be fast.  FOCUS on GOOD FORM and hitting each rep without removing your hands from the bar.  GOOD LUCK!

Accessory Work:
4-5 Rounds (Not for time)
6 Strict Pull ups (Rx+ Strict Chest-to-Bar)
6 Pause Bench Press (Pause :02 in bottom, then DRIVE up!)

Come learn a NEW SKILL or work on an old one!

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