March 1, 2017

Conditioning #1:
5 Rounds of:
10 Burpees
50 Double Unders

Rest 5:00

Gymnastics Conditioning:
18-12-9-6 reps of:
Unbroken Toes-to-Bar
*Complete 18 Unbroken Wall Balls after each set of TTB.
*Complete a 10 Calorie Row Penalty for each set not completed Unbroken – this is for the TTB and Wall Balls.

10 minute cap – Teams of 2-3
30 Squat Cleans @ 135lb/85lb
30 Pull ups
200m Run
20 Squat Cleans @ 185lb/115lb
20 Chest-to-Bar Pull ups
200m Run
10 Squat Cleans @ 225lb/155lb
10 Bar Muscle ups
200m Run
AMRAP Squat Cleans @ 255lb/185lb

Rest 5:00

16 minute EMOM
Min. 1: 5 Deficit Handstand Push ups (6″/4″)
Min. 2: 15 Toes-to-Bar
Min. 3: 20/18 Calorie Row
Min. 4: 50 Double Unders

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