December 20, 2017

Gymnastics Accessory:
2-3 Rounds (Not for time)

200ft KB Farmer Carry (70/53) (R) + DB Front Rack Carry (50/35) (L)
200ft KB Farmer Carry (L) + DB Front Rack Carry (R)
100ft Sled Drag Bear Crawl*
5 Strict Pull ups
*Choose own weight.

3 minute AMRAP
2 Muscle ups
6 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)
45 Double Unders
Rest 1:00
500m Row
Walk/Rest 2:00
*Complete 3 Full Rounds of the above cycle.

Strength #1:
Split Jerks (from blocks)
2 x 2 @ 75%
2 x 2 @ 80%
2 x 1 @ 85%
2 x 1 @ 90%

Rest 3:00

Strength #2:
2 Snatch Balance w/ :03 Hold on each
Work to a Heavy 2 rep

Rest 3:00

Partner WOD
Teams of 2 complete:
80 Deadlifts (185/125)
70 Handstand Push ups
60 Chest-to-Bar Pull ups
50 Calorie Ski
40 Overhead Squats (135/95)
30 Bar Facing Burpees (both partners at same time, same bar)
20 Rope Climbs (15′)
*30 min cap

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