May 1, 2019

Strength: Axle Bar Deadlifts + Bulgarian Split Squats
2 sets of 8
2 sets of 6
2 sets of 4
*After the first set of each rep scheme, complete 20 Bulgarian Split Squats(10/10).  After the second set of each rep scheme complete a :20 Bulgarian Split Squat Hold on each leg.  This is to be completed for the 8’s, 6’s, and 4’s.
*Rest as needed between sets.

Bike Conditioning:
On the 0:00 – 18/13 Calorie Bike
On the 1:30 – 15/11 Calorie Bike
On the 3:00 – 12/9 Calorie Bike
On the 5:00 – 18/13 Calorie Bike
On the 6:30 – 15/11 Calorie Bike
On the 8:00 – 12/9 Calorie Bike
On the 10:00 – 18/13 Calorie Bike
On the 11:30 – 15/11 Calorie Bike
On the 13:00 – 12/9 Calorie Bike

Happy Birthday to CrossFit member, Catherine Johnston.  Have a Great Day!

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