January 2, 2018

Today we begin an 8 Week “Open Prep” Strength & Conditioning Cycle.  There are three main GOALS for this cycle.
1. To increase PHYSIOLOGICAL ADAPTATION for the 10-15 minute range.
2. To increase MENTAL TOUGHNESS.
3. To familiarize YOURSELF with rep schemes for “Open” Specific Movements.

For those looking to participate in the 2018 CrossFit Open, this will be a great tool to help prepare you to compete at your highest potential each of the 5 workouts in the Open.  For those not competing, this will still be a great Strength & Conditioning Cycle to help with your overall health and fitness goals.  All  workouts and movements can be scaled to fit all athletic abilities and levels.  GOOD LUCK and GET READY!!!

Strength: Front Squats
EMOM x 6
3 @ 70%

Gymnastic Skills:
Kipping Pull ups
3 x 8-10
Scale = work on the various progressions of the kipping pull up.

5 Rounds for time:
12 Push Jerks (115/75)
15 Pull ups
*15 minute time cap

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