July 28, 2020

Gymnastics Conditioning:
4 Rounds (Not for time)
Max Set* of Pull ups or Chest-to-Bar Pull ups (Athlete’s Choice)
200m Recovery Run
*If you are good at Pull ups or Chest-to-Bars (meaning you can do 10+ reps Unbroken) then your GOAL is to complete a large set of Pull ups or Chest-to-Bars.  If unable to complete 10+, then complete a total of 10 Pull ups or Chest-to-Bars each round.  Finish each round with with nice easy 200m Recovery Run.

4:00 AMRAP
30 Wall Balls (20/14)
20 Bar Over Burpees
Max Squat Cleans @ 60%

Rest 2:00

4:00 ARMAP
25 Wall Balls (20/14)
15 Bar Over Burpees
Max Squat Cleans @ 70%

Rest 2:00

4:00 AMRAP
20 Wall Balls (20/14)
10 Bar Over Burpees
Max Squat Cleans @ 80%

*The weights for the Squat Cleans can be based off of last Friday’s (July 24) Squat Clean & Jerk.

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