May 5, 2020


“Death by Deadlift & Burpee”
Min. 1: 1 Deadlift + 1 Lateral Burpee
Min. 2: 2 Deadlifts + 2 Lateral Burpees
Min. 3: 3 Deadlifts + 3 Lateral Burpees
Min. 4: 4 Deadlifts + 4 Lateral Burpees
Min. 5: 5 Deadlifts + 5 Lateral Burpees
…and so on, adding 1 Deadlift and 1 Lateral Burpee every minute until you can no longer complete the reps inside the minute.
Weight for Deadlift: 225/155.  If you don’t have this weight, use what you have.
If using a Dumbbell, complete 2:1 Alternating Single Arm Dumbbell Deadlifts.

Accessory Work:
4 Rounds of:
1:00 Banded Step ups
:30 Banded High Knees (Fast)
1:00 Rest


“Death by Deadlift & Burpee”
Min. 1: 1 Odd Object Deadlift + 1 Lateral Burpee
Min. 2: 2 Odd Object Deadlifts + 2 Lateral Burpees
Min. 3: 3 Odd Object Deadlifts + 3 Lateral Burpees
Min. 4: 4 Odd Object Deadlifts + 4 Lateral Burpees
Min. 5: 5 Odd Object Deadlifts + 5 Lateral Burpees
…and so on, adding 1 Deadlift and 1 Lateral Burpee every minute until you can no longer complete the reps inside the minute.

Accessory Work:
4 Rounds of:
1:00 Weighted Step ups
:30 Weighted High Knees (Fast)
1:00 Rest

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