May 9, 2017

A. Cleans (Squat Cleans)
3 @ 70%
3 @ 80%
3 @ 90%
*Reps Do Not have to be Touch & Go, but if you can try it.  Focus should be on hitting each rep successfully, not how fast you can do the set.

B. Pull ups
1. 3 Cycles of: 5 Hollow Body + Press Down
2. 3 sets of: Max Effort Kipping Pull ups (standard kips)

1. 3 Cycles of: 3 Hollow Body + Press Down
2. 3 sets of: Max Effort Kipping Pull ups w/ band assistance

Metcon: (For time)
50 Medicine Ball Cleans (20lb/14lb)
25 Push Jerks (155lb/115lb)
50 Medicine Ball Cleans

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