February 5, 2019

30 minute EMOM (5 Rounds)

1. 1 Peg Board Ascent or 6 Strict Pull ups
2. 10 Kettlebell Swings (70/53)
3. 50 Double Unders (100 Single Unders)
4. 6 Back Squats (from the rack) (225/155 or roughly 55-60%)
5. 12-15 GHD Sit ups
6. Rest
*The ideal working time for each minute should be between :40-:50. If it starts taking the whole minute, scale back on the reps to fit inside the time frame.

2 Rounds of:

1:00 Hollow Hold
:30 Single Arm DB OH Hold – Right
:30 Single Arm DB OH Hold – Left
1:00 Wall Sit

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