September 13, 2018

Hero WOD – “PK”

5 Rounds of:
10 Back Squats (225/155)
10 Deadlifts (275/185)
400m Sprint
*Rest 2:00 between rounds.  Use one bar for both movements.  After your last back squat, drop the bar off your back, load for the deadlifts.  During the 2:00 rest, place bar back on the rack.
(This is Matt Evans, aka Mr. Incredible’s Birthday request)

2 Rounds: (NFT)
:30 Ring Support Hold (top of dip)
35 Hollow Rocks
:30 Hip Extension Hold (parallel with floor)
35 Abmat Sit ups

Happy Birthday to CrossFit member, Matt Evans, aka Mr. Incredible, one day early – since you won’t be here Friday.  Enjoy the workout Big Guy!

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