August 2, 2018

2014 CrossFit Games
“Muscle up Biathlon” (For time)
400m Run
15 Muscle ups
400m Run
12 Muscle ups
400m Run
9 Muscle ups
*There is a 200m Penalty Run every time the athlete breaks on the muscle ups.
*18 min cap
*Workout is slightly modified from original version which is 18-15-12 reps.  Ring Muscle ups are the Rx’D version of this workout, but we will allow Bar Muscle ups if that’s the only muscle up version you have.
Scaled Options are as: Pull ups: 24-18-12, Ring Rows: 30-24-18.

-Rest 5:00-

2016 CrossFit Games
“Ranch Mini Chipper” (For time)
50 Wall Balls (20/14)
25 Med Ball GHD Sit ups
200m Sprint w/ Med Ball
*8 min cap

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