July 30, 2020

The 5:00pm Class is the Gymnastics Class.  We will be working on Skills and Drills of different Gymnastic Movements.

Mobility Work:
Spend 15:00 doing some Mobility Work of either Foam Rolling or Stretching

Active Recovery:
Not for time, but move with purpose:

50 Reps of Core Exercise (Athlete’s Choice)*
50ft Handstand Walk or 1:00 Handstand Hold
500m Run
35 Reps of Core Exercise
50ft Handstand Walk or 1:00 Handstand Hold
500m Run
20 Reps of Core Exercise
50ft Handstand Walk or 1:00 Handstand Hold
500m Run

*Core Exercises (Athlete’s Choice).  Athletes can choose any of the following for the core exercise.  You can do the same throughout the WOD or you can switch.
GHD Sit ups
Abmat Sit ups
Hollow Rocks
or any other core exercise.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to CrossFit member, Brittany Rigg.  Hope you have a Great Day!!!

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