April 2, 2020

If you’re free tomorrow at 4:30pm, join us for a Quarantine WOD using ZOOM.  If not, no worries, still complete your Program WOD (A, B, or C) below.

Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 826 335 7610

**Things you should have for workout**
•Dumbbell or Kettlebell or weighted implement
•Decent amount of space (8×8 should be fine)
•Access to run 200m (if possible)*
*If you don’t have access to run from your workout space, there will be a substitute.
(Workout will be released later)
**Also, stick around after the workout for a little “Happy Hour”

Warm Up:
3 Rounds of:
100m Run
10 Plate Ground to Overhead
20 Lunge Steps
10 Plate Front Squats
30 Jump Rope

SCCF-A (Dumbbell/Kettlebell)
Workout 4
Every 5:00 x 5 Rounds:
14 Alternating DB/KB Snatch
60 Double Unders (120 Singles)
14 Single Arm DB/KB Overhead Squats* (7 per arm)
10 x 10m Shuttle Sprints
*If the weight you have is too heavy for this movement, reduce the weight or just place your arm overhead.
10m = approximately 30ft.  Set cones or two objects 10m apart and run back and forth between them.

SCCF-B (Med Ball/Abmat/Band)
Workout 4
20 minute EMOM
1:00 Banded Rows*
1:00 Med Ball Push Press
1:00 V-ups
1:00 Med Ball Overhead Lunges
1:00 Rest
*Attach the Band to a sturdy/stationary object – banister, beam, heavy door (handle).

SCCF-C (Bodyweight – No Equipment)
Workout 4
2 Rounds of:
2:00 Max Squat Jumps
Rest 1:00
2:00 Max Push ups
Rest 1:00
2:00 Max Hollow Rocks
Rest 1:00
2:00 Max 10m Shuttle Sprints*
Rest 1:00
*10m is approximately 30ft.  Set cones or two objects 10m apart and run back and forth between them.

Extra Credit:
15:00 Run/Walk/Bike Ride Outside

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