July 11, 2019

Today is HERO WOD Day.  Remember to wear your RED, WHITE, and/or BLUE in honor of those who have served for us.  Today we HONOR you Liam Nevins.

HERO WOD – “Liam” (Partner Style)
In teams of 2 complete the following:

800m Run with plate (45/35) (Run together)
100 Toes-to-Bar
50 Back Squats* (205/135)
10 Rope Climbs (15′)
800m Run with plate (45/35) (Run together)
Partners must complete the run together, passing the plate as they need to.  Partition the Toes-to-Bar, Squats, and Rope Climbs as needed.
*The original version of this is 50 Front Squats (155/105), but we did Front Squats on Monday so Back Squats have been substituted, along with a few more pounds.

Dedicated to U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class Liam J. Nevins, 32, of Middlebury, Vermont, who was killed by small arms fire while conducting combat operations in Paktia Province, Afghanistan, on Sept. 21, 2013. Nevins was assigned to Operational Detachment Alpha 9521, Bravo Company, 5th Bn., 19th Special Forces Group, based in Fort Carson, Colorado.
His friends remember him as a cut above when it came to fitness. He enjoyed hiking and running outdoors, as well as the full gamut of CrossFit movements, from Olympic lifting to gymnastics.
He is survived by his mother, Victoria; father, William; fiancée, Julie Huynh; and sisters, Maeve and Raven.

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