February 14, 2019

Happy Valentines Day!

For time: (Partner WOD – Male/Female Pairs)

100 Calorie Row
100 Calorie Ski
100 Calorie Bike
*Every 2:00 complete 7 Burpees.  
Can partition reps as needed, but both partners must complete the 7 Burpees before returning to the device.  We will be dividing up into Male/Female Pairs.

Right before Christmas, 2018, “a member of the Kato CrossFit Family was given some awful news. His son, Brock, would have to have a bone marrow transplant and undergo chemotherapy. Brock has ALD (adrenoluekodystrophy), a genetic disease that severely affects boys and men. It affects the nerve cells that allow us to think and control our muscles.”
“On December 3, 2018 Brock’s routine MRI scan revealed the horrible news that he had a lesion on his brain and therefore was diagnosed with the fatal childhood version of ALD. The positive news is they were able to detect the disease early and Brock has a chance at a bone marrow transplant. Brock will undergo intense chemotherapy and will be hospitalized for many months. His total recovery could be 1-2 years potentially. Transplants have extremely high risks and, unfortunately, they do not always work.
In the workout, “the 100 is significant because the 100-day mark after the transplant is a usually major milestone (it marks the end of hospitalization and outpatient care). The 7 is significant because Brock will undergo 7 straight days of intense chemotherapy prior to his transplant.”

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