January 28, 2017

Team WOD – “Mullins”
Teams of 3 complete each of the following sections.

A. 10 minute AMRAP
9 Handstand Push ups or 3 Wall Climbs
40ft Sled Pull (start at 70lb/50lb) – this is 1 plate + sled
*Each team member will complete the Handstand Push ups or the Wall Climbs and then Pull the Sled 40ft.  Athletes will work in a follow-the-leader format.  You cannot pass the person in front of you.  After each person has completed a full round, add weight to the Sled.  Men add 45lb, Women add 25lb.

3:00 Transition

B. 10 minute AMRAP
35 Hang Cleans (135lb/95lb)
50 GHD Sit ups
35 Shoulder to Overhead (135lb/95lb)
50 Toes-to-Bar
35 Thrusters (135lb/95lb)
*Athletes can partition reps as needed.

3:00 Transition

C. 10 minute AMRAP
30 Double Unders
10 Power Snatches (75lb/55lb)
*Athletes will rotate exercises: Athlete 1 does Double Unders, Athlete 2 does Power Snatches, Athlete 3 Rest, then rotate.  Athlete 3 does Double Unders, Athlete 1 does Power Snatches, Athlete 2 Rest.  Repeat this pattern for the 10 minutes.

Happy Birthday to CrossFit Member, and a true Class Motivator, Rita Mullins. 

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