November 17, 2018

Partner WOD
Teams of 2 complete the following:
25 minute cap

Part A: 6 Rounds (3 each person) (Buy-In)
200ft Double Kettlebell Front Rack Carry (53/35 x 2)
Part B: 250 Calorie Row (1 person must always be rowing)
Part C: 6 Rounds (each person)
10 Hand-Release Push ups
20 Air Squats
30 Double Unders
*Part B and Part C will be going on at the same time.  While 1 partner is rowing, the other partner is completing a round of Part C.  Once a round is complete switch places.  The workout is complete when the row and the 6 Rounds per person are completed.  25-minute time cap.

Happy Wedding Day to Mr. & Mrs. Simon and Katie Davis.

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