June 9, 2018

Partner WOD
15 Intervals of :40 Work/:20 Rest
Odd Intervals: Calories on Rower
Even Intervals: Wall Balls
*Partner 1 will start on the Rower and Partner 2 will start on the Wall Balls.  Partners will alternate back and forth on the working intervals.  Score is Total Calories + Wall Balls of the team.

Rest 3:00

15 Intervals of: :40 Work/:20 Rest
Odd Intervals: Calories on Assault Bike or Ski Erg
Even Intervals: Burpees to 6″
*Partner 1 will start on the Bike or Erg and Partner 2 will start on the Burpees.  Partners will alternate back and forth on the working intervals.  Score is Total Calories + Burpees of the team.

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