May 12, 2018

Partner Mother’s Day WOD
Teams of 2, complete the following:
800m Partner Medicine Ball Run (20/14)
10 Pause Back Squats (each) (Bodyweight or 80-90% of BW) (:03 per rep)
*Partner holds their bar in Deadlift Position.  Squats are from the Rack.
20 Knees to Elbow (each)
*Partner holds Kettlebell in Front Rack Position (70/53)
30 Cleans (Power or Squat)
*Every 10 reps increase weight. M: 135-155-185; W: 95-105-125.  Partition as needed.
40ft Partner Sled Drag (each) (Partner 1 sits on sled, Partner 2 pulls – then switch)
800m Partner Medicine Ball Run

Happy Mother’s Day (1 Day Early) to all the Moms out there.  We are forever grateful for the life you have given us and the endless work that you do every single day.

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