May 5, 2018

Happy Cinco De Mayo!

Team WOD
Teams of 3 complete the following:
25 minute AMRAP
15 Rounds of:
1 Wall Climb
8 Power Snatch (95/65)
30 Double Unders
*In the teams of 3, one athlete is rowing, 1 athlete is completing a round, and the other athlete is resting.  The rower needs to be occupied at all times so athletes can switch as needed, but a round must be completed by a single athlete. No tagging out during a round. Once the 15 rounds are completed, all athletes work together in the remaining time to accumulate as many calories on the rower as possible.
Score = Time of 15 Rounds completed and Total Calories Rowed.

Happy Belated B-Day WOD to Kit Kat!

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