April 14, 2018

NO KIDSFIT CLASS this morning.
CrossFit Classes at 8:00am and 10:00am
Olympic Lifting at 9:00am

As a Class (since we didn’t get to last week)
1000m Indian Run
*Each person carries a Medicine Ball (20/14) – for each drop of the ball, the class has a 10 Burpee Penalty!
Indian Run – line up in a single file line.  As you run, the person in the back runs to the front and becomes the new leader.  Continue this pattern until you reach 1000m.

Partner WOD
Odd Object Day
Teams of 2 complete the following:
5:00 at Each Station; 2:00 Rest between.
1. Sled Push (Average Bodyweight)
*Push 100ft Down, then 100ft Back

2. Seated Sled Drag (160-205/115-160)
*Pull Sled 50ft, then 50ft Back

3. Calorie Ski Erg

4. Stone or Sandbag to Shoulder (95/65)

5. Barbell Front Rack Carry (185/125)
*Carry 50ft Down, then 50ft Back
Partition reps as needed.  Alternate the Sled Push, Pull, and Front Rack Carry.

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