April 7, 2018

Partner WOD
Teams of 2 complete the following:
10 Rounds for time: (alternate each round)
15 Calorie Row
15 Thrusters (75/55)
*Partner 1 completes a full round, then partner 2 completes a full round.  Each partner must complete 5 rounds total.
**Work with someone that you have not partnered with before.

Rest 5:00

Cash Out:
As a Class, complete:
1000m Indian Run
*Each person carries a Medicine Ball (20/14) – for each drop of the ball, the class has a 10 Burpee Penatly!
*Indian Run – line up in a single file line.  As you run, the person in the back runs to the front and becomes the new leader.  Continue this pattern until you reach 1000m.

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