February 17, 2018


Partner WOD
This WOD is in Honor of the two Westerville Police Officers that were killed in the line of Duty on Saturday, February 10.  Please take part in this workout in their memory.

“Morelli & Joering EOW Hero WOD”
18 minute AMRAP (Teams of 2)
54 Wall Balls (20/14)
10 Deadlifts (225/155)
29 Lateral Barbell Burpees
16 Calorie Bike, Row, or Ski
39 Kettlebell Swings (70/53)
2 Bar Muscle ups*
*Scale = 6 CTB Pull ups or 8 Pull ups

On 2/10/18, 2 men – partners – walked through a door. One was 54 years old, the other 39. One had 29 years of experience and the other 16 years; serving our community on our streets, in our schools and in our hearts.
Our hearts mourn the loss of Officers Anthony Morelli and Eric Joering. Our CrossFit friends and family throughout Central Ohio and beyond have asked for a workout to remember the service and sacrifice of these great men.

This End of Watch Hero WOD represents more than just numbers and dates – it is heavy, it is hard and the load is carried by two – together.
Rest well Tony and Eric…

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