January 13, 2018

Weather Alert and Class Schedule:
Due to the Winter Weather we are expected to get, please stay tuned to our Facebook and the SCCF Underground Page for updates regarding class times.
As of right now, we are planning to have the 10:00am Class ONLY, allowing roads to become clear and safe.
There will NOT be a 8:00am CrossFit Class, KidsFit at 9:00am, or Oly Lifting at 9:00am.
For those looking to do the Oly Class, we will allow some time after the 10:00am Class to do so.
Be sure to check Facebook before leaving your home.
Information will be provided in the morning if class is to be cancelled.

Partner WOD
5 Down & Backs (per person – alternate runs)
300ft Overhead Walking Plate Lunges (45/25) – switch every 50ft
50 Calorie Row
4 Down & Backs (per person – alternate runs)
250ft Overhead Walking Plate Lunges – switch every 50ft
40 Calorie Row
3 Down & Backs (per person – alternate runs)
200ft Overhead Walking Plate Lunges – switch every 50ft
30 Calorie Row
2 Down & Backs (per person – alternate runs)
150ft Overhead Walking Plate Lunges – switch every 50ft
20 Calorie Row
1 Down & Back (per person – alternate runs)
100ft Overhead Walking Plate Lunges – switch every 50ft
10 Calorie Row
*40 minute time cap

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