September 23, 2017

There is ONLY one CrossFit today at 8:00am.
We will be doing the CrossFit Team Series from 10:00am – 12:00pm.  We ask that you please arrive around 9:30am so you can start warming up.  This will allow us to start promptly at 10:00am.

Partner WOD
20 minute AMRAP
90 Calorie Row (switch every 15 cals)
70 Wall Balls (20/14)
50 Chest-to-Bar Pull ups
30 Cleans (135/95)
*Partition reps as needed.

Rest 5:00

2 Rounds (each partner)
3 minute AMRAP
30 Mountain Climbers
20 Double Unders
10 Burpees
*1 Partner will complete the first 3 min AMRAP while Partner 2 rest, then switch.  Complete 2 – 3 min AMRAPs each.

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