July 29, 2017

Partner WOD
In teams of 2 complete the following:

For Time:
6 Rounds of
“The Chief” (135/95)
*Partners alternate rounds (each complete 3)
500m Ski Erg or 750m Row or 1.0 mi Assault Bike
6 Rounds of
“The Chief” (155/105)
*Partners alternate rounds (each complete 3)
500m Ski Erg or 750m Row or 1.0 mi Assault Bike
6 Rounds of
“The Chief” (185/125)
*Partners alternate rounds (each complete 3)
500m Ski Erg or 750m Row or 1.0 mi Assault Bike

“The Chief”: 3 Power Cleans + 6 Push ups + 9 Air Squats

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