April 4, 2020

Join us at 10:00am for the SCCF Quarantine WOD using ZOOM.

Meeting ID: 826 335 7610
Partner WOD
50-40-30-20-10 reps of:
Plate Ground to Overhead
Burpees to Plate
Overhead Plate Lunges
*Partner 1 will start on exercises while Partner 2 completes a 200m Run.  Once Partner 2 returns from the run, they will switch and Partner 1 runs 200m and Partner 2 picks up where Partner 1 left off.  If you’re not sure on 200m, run :30 out and then run :30 back.
Stay tuned for the ZOOM workout schedule for next week and for some updated Programming starting next week.  Details coming out over the weekend.  Keep up the GREAT WORK SCCF NATION!!!

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