March 21, 2020

Stop in the Gym tomorrow from 10:00am – 12:00pm to “Check-Out” equipment to use in the upcoming At-Home Programming.  This programming will start on Monday, March 23, 2020. Things that can be checked out include, Dumbbells, Kettlebells, Medicine Balls, Weight Plates, Abmats, Jump Ropes, and Bands.  You will be required to sign a check-out document, along with having a valid credit card on file.  See the note below regarding the programs and the items needed for them.

At this time time, we will not be checking out Barbells, Rowers, Bikes, or Ski Ergs.
We will access the situation in a few weeks and then decide from there.

If you are unable to make this time, please send coach a message and we will work something out.
Look forward to seeing you guys.

At-Home Programs
SCCF-A: Dumbbells/Kettlebells
SCCF-B: Medicine Ball/Abmats/Bands
SCCF-C: Bodyweight (No Equipment Needed)
*All programs can include bodyweight movements, along with the noted equipment, running, and/or jump ropes.

At-Home WOD (3/21/20)

3 Rounds of:
1:00 Back Pack Thrusters
1:00 Back Pack Sump Deadlift High Pulls
1:00 Lateral Hops Over Back Pack
1:00 Back Pack Push Press
1:00 Burpees
1:00 Rest
*Find a Back Pack or some type of bag lying around and fill it with some weight.  Use old magazines, water bottles, canned goods, old weights, or anything that has some weight to it.

**We were looking to do a Park Workout, but due to the weather and flooding we recently had, most parks are water logged, plus the weather is not looking to promising.  We are still looking at maybe doing something on Sunday if things are better.  Please stay tuned.**

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