September 28, 2019

Heats will start at 9:20am, 9:45am, 10:10am, and 10:35am.  If you have not registered for a heat, we will place you in a heat upon arrival.  Come ready to have some FUN and support JENNY MALEC.

“Jenny” Benefit WOD
Teams of 3:
2 Rounds (each person):
20 Calorie Row
14 Calorie Assault Bike
*Complete in a conveyor belt style.


5 Rounds of:
8 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24”/20”)
10 Kettlebell Thrusters (53/35 x 2)
31 Wall Balls (20/14)
11 Bench Press (155/105)
*Team members can partition work as needed.  


9 Rope Climbs (15’)

*Each team member must complete 2 rounds of the 20 Cal Row and 14 Cal Bike.
*Team members work together and can partition work as needed during the 5 Rounds and 9 Rope Climbs.  During these 2 sections, one team member must ALWAYS be holding a 45/35# plate.  The plate cannot touch the ground at any time or a Team Penalty will be assessed.

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