April 13, 2019

For those interested in playing GOLF, we will be headed to the course shortly after the workout.  We are playing at Mentel Memorial at 10:40, 10:48, and 10:56.  Come out and join us in a great day of Golf, Fellowship, and Shenanigans.

Team Warm up:
1000m Indian Run

Partner/Team WOD
In teams of 2-3 complete:
Odd Object/Strongman Day

A. 5:00 AMRAP
100ft Sled Push (Average Bodyweight)
*Partners alternate every 100ft.

Rest 3:00

B. 5:00 AMRAP
Ski Erg Calories
*Partition as needed.

Rest 3:00

C. 5:00 AMRAP
Stone/Sandbag to Shoulder
*Partition as needed.

Rest 3:00

D. 5:00 AMRAP
Bench Press
30 reps @ 155
30 reps @ 185
30 reps @ 205
30 reps @ 225

3:00 Rest

E. 5:00 AMRAP
100ft Sled Drag (Average Bodyweight)
*Partners alternate every 100ft.

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