February 2, 2019

A. 10 minute AMRAP:
Team Sled Push + Ski Erg
100ft Alternating Sled Push
*One team member must be on ski erg at all times.

B. Partner WOD
For Time:

75 Hand-Release Push ups
50 Deadlifts (205/145)
25 Burpee Wall Overs
50 Back Squats (205/145) – Partner holds 2 Kettlebells (53/35 x 2)
25 Burpee Wall Overs
50 Deadlifts (205/145)
75 Hand-Release Push ups
*Back Squats are from the rack.
*Each set of partners will have a Kettlebell (53/35) with them at all times that must remain off the floor at all times, except when switching on the Back Squats. If at any time the Kettlebell touches the floor, each athlete must complete a 10-Calorie Bike Penalty before continuing.

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