March 6, 2017

Great Job to TEAM SCCF for competing this weekend at the Midwest Affiliate Gathering at the Arnold Classic.  They took 6th out of 40 on Saturday which allowed them to compete on Sunday.  Still don’t know the final standings but will keep you posted.
Congratulations to Morgan Iverson for taking 1st Place in her Weightlifting Meet and taking home two State Records.  Awesome Job Morgan!

Strength: Week #2
A. Snatch (Full Squat Snatch)
EMOM x 7: 2 Reps @ 75-80%
*Base your weight on how it feels for the day.

B. Squat Clean
EMOM x 7: 2 Reps @ 75-80%
*Base your weight on how it feels for the day.

Metcon: “Erin Brown”
1000m Run
40 Handstand Push ups
35 Goblet Squats (53lb/35lb)
73 Kettlebell Swings (53lb/35lb)
.5 mi Assault Bike or 500m Ski Erg

Happy Birthday to CrossFitter, Erin Brown.  Hope you enjoy your day and this Birthday WOD!

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