February 5, 2018

Week #6: Open Prep Strength & Conditioning Program
This is the last full volume week before we start a gradual deload into the first week of the CrossFit Open.  This will still feel like a difficult week, especially with the strength work.  Instead of continuing the AMRAP for the Strength, we are working to get to a heavier single.  Remember to take you time and focus on GOOD Form.  

Strength: Back Squats
2 x 3 @ 70%
2 x 2 @ 80%
3 x 1 @ 90%
*Be sure to keep GOOD Form with these Squats even as the load increases.

10 minute EMOM
5 Box Jumps + 5 Burpees
(Box Height: 24″/20″)

Barbell Conditioning:
“Open Workout 11.3”
5 minute AMRAP of:
Squat Clean (165/110)
Jerk (165/110)

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