January 29, 2018

Week #5: Open Prep Strength & Conditioning Program
Continue to push hard through these Strength AMRAPs this week and really start focusing on these WODs.  Keep your head in the game and keep up the hard work.

Strength: Back Squats
9 minute AMRAP
Back Squats @ 75%
*Be sure to keep GOOD Form with these Squats.  If form starts to fail, take your time and rest.

Skill Work: Handstand Push ups
Work on positioning & progressions of Handstand Push ups
Rx+: 6 minutes – Build to 3 Rep Deficit HSPU

4 Rounds for time:
25 Calorie Row
15 Handstand Push ups

Happy Birthday to CrossFit member, Rita Mullin!  We will do your B-Day WOD this coming Saturday.

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