January 22, 2018

Week #4: Open Prep Strength & Conditioning Program
*This week starts a different phase of the program.  The Strengths switch from an EMOM format to an AMRAP.  It is important to know when to push these reps and when to back off.  Form is very crucial throughout this whole phase, so if your form starts to break, be sure to back off and give yourself more rest. 
As for the WODs, work on keeping a steady pace throughout the entire workout.  Every rep matters in the Open, so be sure to focus on pushing hard with a good pacing structure.

Strength: Back Squats
7 minute AMRAP
Back Squats @ 75%
*Be sure to keep GOOD Form with these Squats.  If form starts to fail, take your time and rest.

11 minute AMRAP
5 Hang Power Snatch (95/65) (Rx+115/75)
40 Double Unders

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