March 9, 2020

Strength & Metcon:
“Barbell Frenzy”
Every minute on the minute for as long as possible:
1 Snatch (Power or Squat)
*Men increase by 10# and ladies by 5#

Once you fail on the Snatch, Rest 1:00, then move directly into…

Every minute of the minute for as long as possible:
1 Clean (Power or Squat)
*Men increase by 10# and ladies by 5#

Once you fail on the Clean, Rest 1:00, then move directly into…

Every minute of the minute for as long as possible:
1 Deadlift
*Men increase by 20# and ladies by 10#

*This is strictly a Barbell Workout – Hope you’re ready for some FUN!!!
All athletes will start with an unloaded Barbell for the first minute and will add weight (10/5) every minute until you fail.  Once you fail on the Snatch, athletes will unload the barbell to the last successful weight and will start their Cleans.  After each successful Clean, athletes will again add weight (10/5) every minute.  Once you fail on the Clean, unload to the last successful weight and begin your Deadlifts.  After each successful Deadlift athletes will add weight (20/10) until they can no longer complete the Deadlift.

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