December 14, 2018

Strength: Power Clean & Jerk Conditioning
0:00-2:00: 10 Power Clean & Jerks @ 135/95
2:00-4:00: 8 Power Clean & Jerks @ 155/105
4:00-6:00: 6 Power Clean & Jerks @ 185/125
6:00-8:00: 4 Power Clean & Jerks @ 205/135
8:00-10:00: 2 Power Clean & Jerks @ 225/155
*If unable to do the Rx’D weights, you will need to have 5 different weights to complete the Power Clean and Jerk Conditioning.

Metcon: (For time)
21-18-15-12 reps of:
Calorie Row
Calorie Bike
(Ladies Calorie: 18-15-12-9)

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