June 5, 2020

Strength: Clean Conditioning (Week #2)
Every :20 x 10 Rounds:
1 Hang Power Clean
*Use the second weight that you used in last weeks conditioning.

Rest 1:00

Every :30 x 8 Rounds:
1 Hang Power Clean
*Increase weight from first section.

Rest 1:00

Every :40 x 6 Rounds:
1 Hang Power Clean
*Increase weight from second section.

“Death by Thrusters”

With a continuously running clock perform 1 Thruster (95/65) the first minute, 2 Thrusters the second minute, 3 Thrusters the third minute, and so on, continuing to add 1 rep each minute until you cannot complete the required number of reps in the given minute.
(1-2-3-4-5… Thrusters)

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