May 22, 2020


Strength: Snatch Conditioning (Week #2)
Every :20 x 10 Rounds
1 Hang Snatch (Power or Squat)

Rest 1:00

Every :30 x 8 Rounds
1 Hang Snatch (Power or Squat)
*Increase weight from the first weight.

Rest 1:00

Every :40 x 6 Rounds
1 Hang Snatch (Power or Squat)
*Increase weight from second weight.

*This is the second week of this Snatch Conditioning – try to start your first 10 Rounds with the second weight used last week.
*This is designed for a Barbell, but if using a Dumbbell, complete 2 Dumbbell Hang Snatches every :20, 4 Dumbbell Hang Snatches every :30, and 6 Dumbbell Hang Snatches every :40.  If you have access to increase weight, keep the reps at 2, but increase the weight each of the sections.

10 minute AMRAP
8 – 10m Shuttle Sprints
14 Burpees
20 Dumbbell Power Snatches


Strength: Odd Object Conditioning (Week #2)
Every :20 x 10 Rounds
1 Odd Object Ground to Overhead

Rest 1:00

Every :30 x 8 Rounds
1 Odd Object Ground to Overhead
*Increase weight from the first weight.

Rest 1:00

Every :40 x 6 Rounds
1 Odd Object Ground to Overhead
*Increase weight from second weight.

*If able to go up in weight try to, if not, stay at the same weight for all three sections and add some reps.

10 minute AMRAP
8 – 10m Shuttle Sprints
14 Burpees
20 Odd Object Ground to Overhead

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