May 1, 2020


Strength: Clean & Jerks and Running
200m Run
10 Clean & Jerks @ 65-70%
200m Run
8 Clean & Jerks @ 70-75%
200m Run
6 Clean & Jerks @ 75-80%
200m Run
4 Clean & Jerks @ 80-85%
200m Run
2 Clean & Jerks @85-90%
*If using a Barbell, complete as prescribed.  If using Dumbbells or Kettlebells, complete 2:1 for reps – 20-16-12-8-4 Dumbbell Clean & Jerks.  This is not for time, so don’t worry about speed, but rather focusing on the Heavy Clean & Jerks.

50 Face Pulls
50 Lat Pull Downs
50 Tricep Extensions
50 Curls


Strength: Clean & Jerks and Running
200m Run
10 Odd Object Clean & Jerks
200m Run
8 Odd Object Clean & Jerks
200m Run
6 Odd Object Clean & Jerks
200m Run
4 Odd Object Clean & Jerks
200m Run
2 Odd Object Clean & Jerks
*If able to, try to increase weight each round with your Odd Object.  This is not for time, so don’t worry about speed, but rather focusing on the Heavy Clean & Jerks.

50 Odd Object Upright Rows
50 Odd Object Bent Over Rows
50 Odd Object Tricep Extensions
50 Odd Object Curls

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to CrossFit member, Catherine Johnston, aka “Kit Kat.”  Hope you have a GREAT DAY!!!

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