March 27, 2020

Warm Up:
2 Rounds of:
:30 Jumping Jacks
15 Sit to Straddle
:30 Mountain Climbers
10 Squats w/ :03 Pause in bottom
:30 Soldier Kicks
5 Inch Worms + Push up

SCCF-A (Dumbbell/Kettlebell)
Workout 5
For time:
50 DB/KB Push Press
50 DB/KB Front Squats
50 DB/KB Sumo-Deadlift High Pull**
50 DB/KB Thrusters
50 DB/KB Push Jerks
*Starting with and Every minute on the minute complete 20 Mountain Climbers (2:1)
**Use a single arm for the Sumo-Deadlift High Pull.

SCCF-B (Med Ball/Abmat/Band)
Workout 5
For time:
150 Double Unders (Buy-In)
3 Rounds of:
12 Banded Push ups*
15 Burpees to Plate
20 Straight Arm Russian Twists (2:1)
150 Double Unders (Cash-out)
*Wrap the band around your back to add extra resistance.

SCCF-C (Bodyweight – No Equipment)
Workout 5
A. “Annie”
50-40-30-20-10 reps of:
Double Unders (2:1 Singles or Line Hops)
Sit ups

Rest 5:00

B. Run Conditioning
4 x 400m Run
Rest 1:00 between
*Not sure on 400m distance; Run 1:00 out and 1:00 back.

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