March 8, 2019

CrossFit Open Workout 19.3 will take place tomorrow (Saturday) starting around 10:00am.  Please sign up for a heat.  Come ready to kick butt!

Strength: Muscle ups + Snatches
10 Muscle ups
5 Snatches @ 70%
8 Muscle ups
4 Snatches @ 75%
6 Muscle ups
3 Snatches @ 80%
4 Muscle ups
2 Snatches @ 85%
3 Muscle ups
1 Snatch @ 90%
*Muscle ups are Rings.  Scaled option is 2:1 Ring Dips.
*Snatches can be Squat or Power (Athlete’s Choice)
This is not necessarily for time, but rather GOOD FORM and Mechanics.

Metcon: (For time)
Wall Balls (20/14)
Burpees to 6″

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