
April 18, 2017 Strength: A. Deadlift 5 @ 75% 3 @ 85% 1+ @ 95% B. Handstands Rx: 1. Every :30 x 12 Rounds (6:00) 3-5 Strict Handstand Push ups 2. 2 x 50ft – 100ft Handstand Walk Scaled: 1. Every :30 x 12 Rounds (6:00) 3-5 Inverted Box Handstand Push ups 2. 2 x...
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April 17, 2017 Strength: Cycle 1, Week #3 A. Front Squat 5 @ 75% 3 @ 85% 1+ @ 95% B. Shoulder Press 5 @ 75% 3 @ 85% 1+ @ 95% Metcon: 13 minute AMRAP 3 Ring Muscle ups 6 Front Squats (155lb/115lb) 9 Lateral Barbell Burpees
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April 16, 2017 Happy Easter.  Rejoice, for HE has Risen!
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April 15, 2017 Partner WOD We are going  to celebrate Easter CrossFit style. It is called THE JESUS WOD, and it is meant to symbolize the sacrifice Jesus made for us.  As a small representation of what Jesus went through prior to his crucifixion, the workout is  undeniably brutal.  It will be a time for you to...
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April 14, 2017 Strength: A. Bench Press 3 @ 70% 3 @ 80% 3+ @ 90% B. Sled Pulls 3 x 100ft Bear Crawl Sled Pull (160lb-205lb/115lb-160lb) *1:30 – 2:00 Rest between Sled Pulls Metcon: “Helen” 3 Rounds for time: 400m Run 21 Kettlebell Swings (53lb/35lb) 12 Pull ups
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April 13, 2017 SCHEDULE REMINDER: There is a Yoga Class today at 10:00am after the 9:00am CrossFit Class.  Come join us. Metcon: (For time) 10 to 1 reps of: Back Squats (225lb/155lb) Ring Dips Conditioning: 8 minute EMOM 10 Calorie Assault Bike Sprint
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April 12, 2017 Metcon: 20 minute AMRAP 21 Box Jumps (24″/20″) 15 Toes-to-Bar 9 Ground to Overhead (115lb/75lb) Core/Accessory: 50 Abmat Sit ups 20 Partner Tire Flips 50 Abmat Sit ups GYM-DURANCE COMP CLASS – 5:30pm 12 min AMRAP 800m Run then, AMRAP 5 Box Jump Overs (24″/20″) 5 Thrusters @ 115lb/75lb Rest 5:00 15-12-9...
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