
August 22, 2017 Strength: Snatch Balance + Overhead Squat 5 x 2+2 (prog. loading) Metcon: “Death by Snatches” (135/95) Rx+(145/100) *Minute 1 complete 1 Snatch, minute 2 complete 2 Snatches, minute 3 complete 3 Snatches, and so on until you can no longer complete the required number of Snatches inside the minute.
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August 21, 2017 Gymnastics: Double Unders 5 x 35-40 Unbroken *The entire set must be completed unbroken for that set to count. Strength: Bench Press EMOM Complete 2 reps every minute till failure. *Complete a minimum of 6 rounds.  Choose own starting weight.  Men increase 10-20lb and Women increase 5-10lb each minute. Metcon: 10 minute...
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August 20, 2017 Rest Day. Stay tuned to Facebook for possible Open Gym time. The Oly 101 Clinic starts at 2:00pm for anyone interested in either starting the Olympic Weightlifting Program or just to gain more knowledge about the Olympic Lifts – The Snatch and Clean & Jerk.  If interested, and you did not sign...
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August 19, 2017 Partner WOD In teams of 2, complete the following: 20 minute AMRAP 20 Shoulder to Overhead (155/115) 20 Box Jumps 20 Calorie Row 30 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95) 30 Box Jumps 30 Calorie Row 40 Shoulder to Overhead (115/75) 40 Box Jumps 40 Calorie Row 50 Shoulder to Overhead (95/65) 50 Box...
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August 18, 2017 Gymnastics: A. Hanging Hollow Rocks 12 Rounds of: :20 on/:10 off B. Supine Rows (Barbell on Rack) 4 x 10 Strength: Squat Clean Wave EMOM x 12: Complete 1 Rep every minute Wave #1 60%-65%-70%-75% Wave#2 65%-70%-75%-80% Wave #3 70%-75%-80%-85% *For those in OnRamp: complete only 3 weight changes.  Wave #1 at...
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August 17, 2017 Metcon: 20 minute AMRAP 75 Double Unders 50 Wall Balls (20/14) 25 Pull ups Accessory: 2-3 Rounds (Not for time) 100ft Front Rack Kettlebell Carry (53/35) 15 Straight Leg Raises 20 Banded Tricep Press Downs
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August 16, 2017 Gymnastics: A. Weighted Dip Establish a 5-Rep Weighted Dip *If unable to do weighted dips, perform 3 sets of 10 regular dips. B. Weighted Back Extension 6 x 6 Metcon: 5 Rounds for time of: 10 Power Cleans (135/95) 200m Sprint 30 Abmat Sit ups Rest 1:00 between rounds. COMPETITIVE CROSSFIT CLASS...
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