
January 16, 2018 Strength: Deadlifts EMOM x 6 5 reps @ 70% Barbell Technique: Squat Clean & Jerk Technique and Skill work Metcon: 4 Rounds for time: 10 Squat Cleans (155/105) 5 Jerks (155/105)
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January 15, 2018 SCHEDULE ANNOUNCEMENT Starting this week, there is NO LONGER a 7:30pm Class on Monday’s or Thursday’s.  We will look at bringing this class option back after the winter months.  Thank you. Week #3  Open Prep Strength & Conditioning Program Strength: Front Squats EMOM x 6 5 reps @ 70% Metcon: (For time)...
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January 14, 2018 Rest Day. Rest up and get ready for Week #3 of the Open Prep Strength & Conditioning Program.
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January 13, 2018 Weather Alert and Class Schedule: Due to the Winter Weather we are expected to get, please stay tuned to our Facebook and the SCCF Underground Page for updates regarding class times. As of right now, we are planning to have the 10:00am Class ONLY, allowing roads to become clear and safe. There...
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January 12, 2018 Strength (Gymnastics): 6 x 4 Strict Pull ups (Rx+ Weighted – AHAP) *Complete 12-15 GHD Sit ups or Hip Extensions after each set. Metcon: (For time) 500m Row 20 Clean & Jerks (115/75) (Rx+ 135/95) 30 Burpees to 6″ 100 Double Unders
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January 11, 2018 Strength: Cleans 6 x 4 @ 70% *These are to be completed as Touch & Go Cleans.  Do 3 sets of Power Cleans and 3 sets of Squat Cleans.  Rest as needed between sets. Metcon: 15 minute AMRAP 15 Deadlifts (225/155) 15 Toes-to-Bar 15 Handstand Push ups
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January 10, 2018 Strength (Gymnastics): 6 x 4 Dips (Rx+ Weighted – AHAP) *Complete 1 Rope Climb after each set of Dips. *Use the same version of Dips as used last week.  Remember, sets must be completed as 4 reps together, not broken sets. Metcon: Three, 3:00 AMRAPs of: 40 Double Unders 12 Push ups...
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