
January 30, 2018 Strength: Deadlifts 9 minute AMRAP Deadlifts @ 75% *Be sure to keep GOOD Form with these Deadlifts.  If form starts to fail, take your time and rest. Barbell Technique: Work on Squat Snatches and Technique to warm up for the WOD Metcon: 12 minute AMRAP 5 Squat Snatches (135/95) 10 Toes-to-Bar
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January 29, 2018 Week #5: Open Prep Strength & Conditioning Program Continue to push hard through these Strength AMRAPs this week and really start focusing on these WODs.  Keep your head in the game and keep up the hard work. Strength: Back Squats 9 minute AMRAP Back Squats @ 75% *Be sure to keep GOOD...
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January 28, 2018 Rest Day. Get out and enjoy the warmer weather.
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January 27, 2018 Partner WOD Teams of 2, complete the following: “Open Test” 20 minute AMRAP – switch who works every :30 interval 50 Wall Balls (20/14) 50 Double Unders 40 Box Jumps 40 Toes-to-Bar 30 Chest-to-Bar Pull ups 30 Burpees 20 Power Cleans (145/100) 20 Push Jerks (145/100) 10 Snatches (145/100) 10 Ring Muscle...
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January 26, 2018 Strength (Gymnastics): Weighted Pull ups 7 minutes: Build to a Heavy Triple (Scale: 7 min AMRAP: Complete sets of 3 Strict Pull ups – sets must be in 3’s) Rest 2:00 Weighted Push ups 7 minutes: Build to a Heavy Triple (Scale: 7 min AMRAP: Complete sets of 3 Push ups –...
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January 25, 2018 Strength: Clean & Jerk Build to a Heavy Triple Clean & Jerk *Reps do not have to be Touch & Go.  You can drop and reset.  Try to complete another rep within 10-15 seconds. Metcon: (For time) 50 Thrusters (115/75) *Every break = 5 Pull ups
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January 24, 2018 Strength: Push Press 7 minute AMRAP Push Press @ 75% *Be sure to keep GOOD Form with these Push Press.  If form starts to fail, take your time and rest. Metcon: (For time) 40 Calorie Row 30 Burpees to 6″ 20 Toes-to-Bar Rest 5:00 20 Toes-to-Bar 30 Burpees to 6″ 40 Calorie...
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