
April 17, 2018 Metcon: 3 x 5:00 AMRAP 3 Snatches (135/95) 6 Hand-Release Push ups 9 Toes-to-Bar *Rest 1:00 between AMRAPs Accessory: 3 Rounds (Not for time) 100ft Overhead Dumbbell Carry (50/35 x 2) 20 Single-Arm Overhead Dumbbell Walking Lunges (50/35) (switch arms after 10) 2:00 Easy Row
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April 16, 2018 Strength: Hang Power Cleans 5-4-3-2-1 * Build in weight each set. Sets need to be completed Unbroken.  Rest as needed between. Metcon: (For time) 2 Rounds of: 15 Hang Power Cleans (135/95) 30 Calorie Bike or Ski 15 Chest-to-Bar Pull ups 30 Box Jumps (20″)
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April 15, 2018 Rest Day. Stay tuned to Facebook for Open Gym time.
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April 14, 2018 NO KIDSFIT CLASS this morning. CrossFit Classes at 8:00am and 10:00am Olympic Lifting at 9:00am As a Class (since we didn’t get to last week) 1000m Indian Run *Each person carries a Medicine Ball (20/14) – for each drop of the ball, the class has a 10 Burpee Penalty! Indian Run –...
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April 13, 2018 Strength: Deadlift Every 2:00 x 5 Rounds: 2 Deadlifts *Start around 70% and build from there. Metcon: 15-12-9-6-3 reps of: Power Cleans (135/95) Rx+(155/105) Bar Facing Burpees
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April 12, 2018 Metcon: 25 minute EMOM (5 Rounds) 1. 5 Medicine Ball Cleans + 10 Wall Balls (20/14) 2. 15 Push ups 3. 5 Power Snatch + 10 Overhead Squats (75/55) 4. 15 Pull ups 5. Rest *If you are unable to complete the 15 reps inside the minute, reduce the number of reps. ...
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April 11, 2018 Strength: Push Jerk Establish a 3 rep Push Jerk (from the floor) *12 minutes Metcon: Hero WOD “Moore” 20 minute AMRAP 1 Rope Climb (15′) 400m Run Max Effort Handstand Push ups *Goal is Max Effort Handstand Push ups each round.  Once you fail or fall on the Handstand Push ups, start...
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