
July 3, 2018 SCHEDULE REMINDER: There is NO 5:30am Class All other Classes are the same. 4th of July Schedule: 9:00am Class ONLY Metcon: “Kelen Helly” 1 Round of “Kelly” 2 Rounds of “Helen” 1 Round of “Kelly” “Kelly” = 400m Run + 30 Box Jumps + 30 Wall Balls “Helen” = 400m Run +...
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July 2, 2018 Strength: Clean & Jerks 5-4-3-2-1 *These reps are not for time, but QUALITY!  They do not have to be touch and go, but quick singles. If you can do touch & go try to. Metcon: 12 minute EMOM Odd: 5 Touch & Go Clean & Jerks (135/95) (Rx+ 155/105) Even: 50 Double...
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July 1, 2018 Rest Day. Get out and Enjoy Your Day!
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June 30, 2018 SATURDAY SCHEDULE: NO CROSSFIT at 8:00am 9:00am CrossFit 10:00am Olympic Lifting/Open Gym REMOVAL OF TUESDAY/THURSDAY 5:30am Due to recent attendance, we will be removing the 5:30am Classes on Tuesday & Thursday mornings for the rest of the summer (July & August).  This change starts next week.  If this causes any issues, please...
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June 29, 2018 SCHEDULE ANNOUNCEMENTS Due to the Cedar Point Community Trip this Friday, June 29th, THERE WILL NOT BE A 9:00am CLASS.  There is still the 5:00am and all the afternoon classes (3:30-4:30-5:30pm).  Please plan accordingly. SATURDAY SCHEDULE: NO CROSSFIT at 8:00am 9:00am CrossFit 10:00am Olympic Lifting/Open Gym REMOVAL OF TUESDAY/THURSDAY 5:30am Due to...
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June 28, 2018 SCHEDULE ANNOUNCEMENTS Due to the Cedar Point Community Trip this Friday, June 29th, THERE WILL NOT BE A 9:00am CLASS.  There is still the 5:00am and all the afternoon classes (3:30-4:30-5:30pm).  Please plan accordingly. SATURDAY SCHEDULE: NO CROSSFIT at 8:00am 9:00am CrossFit 10:00am Olympic Lifting/Open Gym REMOVAL OF TUESDAY/THURSDAY 5:30am Due to...
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June 27, 2018 SCHEDULE ANNOUNCEMENT Due to the Cedar Point Community Trip this Friday, June 29th, there will not be a 9:00am Class.  There is still the 5:00am and all the afternoon classes (3:30-4:30-5;30pm).   Please plan accordingly. Strength: Squat Snatch + Overhead Squat 1 Squat Snatch + 1 Overhead Squat *15 minutes working towards a...
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