
August 7, 2018 Gymnastic Skill: Rebounding Box Jumps 3 x 12-15 *Goal here is the get from box-to-ground back to box as quick as possible.  You can fall from box or step, but try to explode back to box once both feet are on the ground.  Scale height of box or jumping platform to be...
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August 6, 2018 Strength: Overhead Squat 5-5-3-3-1-1 *Start around 65-70% and build to a Heavy Single.  Use this as a guide to determine where you are right now so we can use these new numbers as we move forward. Metcon: “Maddog”  12 minute AMRAP 2 Power Snatch (135/95) 4 Overhead Squats (135/95) 16/12 Calorie Row...
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August 5, 2018 Rest Day.  Get out and enjoy your Sunday.
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August 4, 2018 CF Games Team Chipper Workout Teams of 2, complete the following: 10 Rope Climbs (15′) 15 Partner Tire Flips 20 Tire Jump Overs & Through* 25 Toes-to-Bar (each person) 50 Clean & Jerks (135/95) 100 Double Unders 400m Partner Run (must run together) 800m Row (switch at 400m) *For the Tire Jump Overs...
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August 3, 2018 The Votes are in and here is your Friday Games Week Workout! 2016 CrossFit Games “The Separator” (For time) 12 Handstand Push ups 15 Back Squats (225/165) 20 Burpees 9 Handstand Push ups 18 Front Squats (205/145) 20 Burpees 6 Handstand Push ups 21 Overhead Squats (135/95) 20 Burpees *22 min cap...
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August 2, 2018 2014 CrossFit Games “Muscle up Biathlon” (For time) 400m Run 15 Muscle ups 400m Run 12 Muscle ups 400m Run 9 Muscle ups *There is a 200m Penalty Run every time the athlete breaks on the muscle ups. *18 min cap *Workout is slightly modified from original version which is 18-15-12 reps. ...
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August 1, 2018 2011 & 2012 CrossFit Games “Skills” 1. 3 Attempts: Max Distance Broad Jump Athletes will have 3 attempts to establish a Max Distance Broad Jump.  Score is the best jump of the three. 2. 2 Attempts: Max Distance Handstand Walk or Handstand Hold Athletes will have 2 attempts to establish a Max...
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