
August 14, 2018 Metcon: (For time) 100 Wall Balls (20/14) 50/40 Calorie Row 30 Burpee Pull ups Core/Midline: 100 Abmat Sit ups OR 50 GHD Sit ups Happy Birthday to CrossFit member, Heidi Robinson.  Have a great day!
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August 13, 2018 Strength: Power Clean 5-5-3-3-1-1 *Start around 65-70% and build to a Heavy Single.  Use this as a guide to determine where you are right now so we can use these new numbers as we move forward. Metcon: 15 minute AMRAP 5 Rounds of “The Chief” (115/75) 400m Run 5 Rounds of “The...
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August 12, 2018 Rest Day.  Get out and enjoy the day.
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August 11, 2018 Hero WOD – “Saman Kunan” Partner Version 12 Rounds for time: 13 Deadlifts (185/125) 17 Wall Balls (20/14) 200m Run (together) *Partners will work together on this workout.  Round 1, Partner A will do the first exercise and Partner B will do the second exercise, and then both Partners will run the 200m...
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August 10, 2018 Strength: Squat Clean Thruster (Cluster) 10 minute EMOM 1 Squat Clean Thruster @ 70-75% of 1 RMx Push Press *Use the Push Press 1 RMx (Single) that we established back on July 18. Metcon: (For time) “TNT” 30 Snatches (95/65) 30 Clean & Jerks (95/65) 30 Thrusters (95/65) *Workout courtesy of CompTrain
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August 9, 2018 Metcon: Three Rounds for time of: 1000m Row 200m Farmer Carry (53/35 x 2) 100ft Walking Lunges Core/Midline: 3 x 10 (R + L = 1) Alligator Rolls *Alligator Roll = start in Hollow Body position, roll to right, back to middle, roll to left, back to middle = 1 rep.
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August 8, 2018 Strength: Bench Press 2 x 8 2 x 6 2 x 4 *Use progressive loading on the 8-6-4 sets.  Reps should be completed unbroken. *Complete 10 Single Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Rows after each set. Metcon: Every 3:00 x 5 Rounds 400m Run 12 Toes-to-Bar GYMNASTICS CLASS at 5:30pm Come get Gym-Nasty...
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